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Create a signing (Authentisign 2.0)
This article outlines the steps for creating a signing in the new version of Authentisign (refe...
Create a signing from an uploaded document
If you have a document (that is not already in Instanet) that you would like to use to create a...
Upload listing from Instanet to Matrix
Log into the SmartMLS website ( with your user name and password, then click t...
Knowledge base
Create a signing (Authentisign 2.0)
Create a signing from an uploaded document
Access Instanet forms from Authentisign 2.0
Access TransactionDesk
Accessing Authentisign Classic signings
Authentisign signing blocks show initials instead of full name
See all 18 articles
Upload listing from Instanet to Matrix
Accessing a new transaction template
Add a form to an existing transaction
Apply a template to an existing transaction
Association Form Libraries
Attaching forms to an existing transaction
See all 56 articles
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