Downloading signings from Authentisign


This article will guide you through downloading copies of your signings from Authentisign and saving them to your computer to ensure you have access to them after TransactionDesk is no longer available.

  1. Log into TransactionDesk.

  2. Click the pen icon in the upper left of the dashboard to open Authentisign:


  3. Click the name of the desired signing to access the Signing Details:


  4. Go to the top of the Signing Details screen and click View Signed PDF:

  5. A PDF copy of the signing will display on your screen. Go to the top right corner and click the Save (floppy disk) icon:

  6. Choose a location to save it (Desktop, Documents, etc.), give the file a useful name and click Save:

Repeat these steps for each signing you'd like to save to your computer.

Once all of the files are downloaded, you may want to move them all to a CD, thumb-drive or online storage location.



If you have additional questions regarding this process, please contact Lonewolf support:


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